Help for Dork™ on the web

Dork is designed to be self-teaching, but a few things may not be obvious if it's new to you.

Gameplay is controlled with a single button. This can be the (left) mouse button, or almost any key except the Escape key, which you can use to pause or return to the main menu.

When you start, there is usually some text at the bottom telling you what to do. As you play, the text may change to guide you further. It will blink a few times when it changes to get your attention. If you start with the training levels and follow the instructions, you should learn everything else you need to know as you play.

More about the game

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If the game doesn't seem to repond to your mouse or keyboard, it's probably because some other element is receiving input. Try clicking once somewhere within the game area, then use the keyboard to play.

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